ERB評論集 Criticsisms for ERB

Philip Jose Farmer/フィリップ・ホセ・ファーマー
Tarzan Alive/ターザンは生きている

His Outrageous and Magnificent Life

Philip Jose Farmer/PLAYBOY PAPERBACKS SCIENCE FICTION/ISBN 0-872-168-76-X/p328/$2.75


This is for the man whous the real "Lord Greystoke" and for the man who brought him to the attention of the world, albeit in fictional disguise.


1888: The World

Chapter One(I-1): Out to Sea
Chapter Two(I-2): The Savage Home
Chapter Three(I-3): Life and Death
Chapter Fore(I-4 through I-5): The Apes

1898: The World

Chapter Five(I-6,I-7): The Difference
Chapter Six(I-8 through I-10): Loss and Revenge
Chapter Seven(Part of I-11,VI-1 through VI-4): Growing Up

1908: The World

Chapter Eight(VI-5 through VI-12): The Outsider: Dreamer and Joker
Chapter Nine(Last part of I-11 and through I-20): Kingship and Love
Chapter Ten(I-21 through I-28): Renunciation
Chapter Eleven(II-1 through II-15): From Ape to Savage
Chapter Twelve(II-16 through II-23): The Chief, the She, the City of Gold
Chapter Thirteen(II-23 through II-26): Journeys' End
Chapter Fourteen(Between II and III):The Great Trek and the Elixir



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