
The Man Eater-Ben, King of Beasts-

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CHAPTER X / 第10章


 Washington Scott, in the , in the act of dressing for the return of his mistress, heard strange sounds that filtered upward from the first floor to his room upon the third. Seizing his lamp he made his way slowly downward upon his old and shady legs. He was in the act of turning the knob of the door at the foot of the stairway that opened into the second floor balcony when he heard footsteps rushing frantically past.
 Cautiously he opened the door and peered out in time to see a man dodge into Gordon's room and close the door. So quickly had the figure disappeared that the old butler had not recognized the intruder, but he was sure that it was not Mr. Gordon. He would investigate. Stumping laboriously into the hall, he turned in the direction of Gordon's room. He was just opposite the the old fashioned wardrobe built into the wall near Gordon's door when the rush of strange footfalls ascending the stairway caused him to turn his eyes in that direction.

 " God almighty," shrieked the old man, as his eyes fell upon the hideous resale of the wide-jawed carnivore.
 It was too late to retreat to the stairway down which he had just come. He had heard the lock turn in Gordon's door. There was only the old-fashioned cupboard in the wall beside him. Not in fifty years had Washington Scott moved with such celerity as he evinced in the next quarter second. With a wrench he tore the door open ―like a youthful hurdler he vaulted into the dark closet, slamming the door to after him. Within was a crash of broken flooring and then silence.
 The lion rushed past the old man's hiding place without even pausing to investigate. He was after bigger game than a decrepit old man.
 As Taylor dashed into his room, Gordon, awakened by the noise, sprang from his bed. Taylor, knowing that the time for stealth was past and that the whole house would be aroused in an instant, drew his revolver from the side pocket of his coat and fired point blank at Gordon as the latter rose in his bed. The bullet passed through Gordon's pajama coat and pinged into the wall behind him.
 Then Taylor, with a mental " nine more," pulled the trigger again. There was no responding report and Gordon was upon him. Frantically Taylor pressed the weapon to his victim's body and pulled the trigger ― futilely. In returning the clip to the automatic when it had fallen to the ground from his nervous fingers earlier in the evening he had reversed it, so that the cartridges were pointed to the rear, jamming the mechanism after the first shot had exploded the cartridge already in the chamber.
 Once in Gordon's grasp, Taylor realized how hopelessly he was outclassed. The clean life of his antagonist found Taylor helpless in the other's power. Yet the man fought on desperately, for he knew that a long prison term awaited him should he be made captive now.
 In the hall beyond the lion had halted before the door to sniff and listen. From within came the sounds of combat and the scent of friend and foe. The great beast opened his wide jaws and roared out a thunderous challenge ―a challenge that sent Washington Scot cowering in terror to the furthermost recesses of the little closet and brought Gordon to a momentary pause of wonder in the battle he was waging for his life in the guest chamber of the Scott mansion.
 But Richard Gordon had not time to give then to an investigation of the terrifying roar just without his room. He wondered, but he fought on, slowly but surely overcoming the weakening Taylor.
 The lion pushed against the door with his forepaw. It did not open. He clawed at the panels, madly, thunderously. No frail wood could long withstand that mighty force. Splinters were torn away. The two men within the room heard, and one was terrified and the other wondering.
 Gordon was pushing Taylor back against a table, further and further, when the latter, in a sudden and momentary burst of energy, struggled up and fought his conqueror back a step or two. Beneath their feet lay a rug, rumpled and twisted as they had passed back and forth across it. Gordon's feet caught in it as Taylor surged against him, and he fell heavily backward, striking his head against the edge of a chair.
 Taylor could scarce credit the good fortune that had saved him at the eleventh hour. Gordon lay unconscious beneath him. The lion was battering the door to pieces just beyond. Behind him was an open window leading onto the roof of the veranda. Taylor half started to make a bread for escape from the lion when the object of his mission rushed to his mind.
 He had risked too much to abandon all now when success, such as it was, lay in his grasp. Hastily he sprang to his feet and ran to the chair where Gordon's clothes lay. As he snatched up a garment and began to run hastily through it a panel crashed in beneath the lion's powerful blows and Taylor saw the gleaming, yellow eyes glaring at him through the aperture.
 With a gasp of terror the man ran his hand inside the coat, his fingers came in contact with a long manila envelope, and he knew that he had won. Stuffing the prize into his own pocket, he turned and scrambled through the window to the roof of the veranda, ran to the edge and lying upon his stomach lowered himself quickly until he hung by his hands. Then he let go and dropped to a soft landing in a clump of bushes beneath.
 Almost simultaneously the last of the door fell in beneath Ben's battering, and the lion sprang into the room. For just an instant he lowered his muzzle to the face of the prostrate Gordon, sniffed, whined, and then caught Taylor's spoor and followed it through the window onto the roof.
 Gordon, but momentarily stunned, sat up just in time to see the hind quarters of the lion disappearing through the window. Leaping to his feet he followed and looked out. He saw the great beast approach the spot where Taylor had dropped to the ground. For a moment the lion stood there measuring the distance ―it was too great a leap for so heavy a beast except as a last resort.
 Turning quickly away, the animal trotted to the far end of the roof. Below this there was a low shed and a moment later the carnivore was slinking through the shrubbery of the Scott grounds hot upon the trail of the fleeing Taylor.
 Gordon, convinced that the lion had followed Taylor, though filled with wonder not only that a savage, jungle beast should be roaming at large in peaceful Virginia, but as well that the brute should have passed him by without harming him, ran from his room, calling the servants.
 The old butler, hearing his voice, answered him in trembling tones from his hiding place.
 " Mister Gordon ! " he cried. " Where is he ? Is he bone ? "
 Gordon paused. The voice came apparently from the closet beside him.
 " Where are you ? " he asked.
 " I'm here ― in this here clothes hamper. I'm stuck fast. If he has gone please come an'help me out of here. "
 " He's went' all right, " replied Gordon, opening the door of the closet, to find that Washington had broken through the bottom and was so tightly wedged that it required the combined efforts of them both to liberate him. Other house servants were timorously creeping down the stairs by this time, but when they found that a wild beast was prowling somewhere about, most of them promptly retreated to their rooms, where they fell to praying. A few remained to follow Gordon back to his room. A sudden fear had crept over the young man.
 Taylor could have followed him for but one purpose. Had he been successful, after all, in his quest ? Gordon found his coat lying on the floor, and a hasty examination revealed the fact that the precious document had been removed from it. Snatching an old fashioned muzzle loader from one of the servants, Gordon hastened down the stairs and out onto the lawn. A sullen roar down in the direction of the Negroes' quarters guided him in the direction the lion had taken , and which was, Gordon felt sure, the same as that in which Taylor had fled.
 The moment that Taylor had extricated himself from the bushes he ran around to the front of the house and down past the Negroes' shacks,passing out onto the turnpike below them and following that in the direction of Scottsville. He did not know that the lion had followed him, imagining that the beast had remained to maul and possibly to devour Gordon. The thought, while it induced a shudder, was far from unwelcome, since it compassed the elimination of Gordon, and so, as far as Taylor knew, the only witness to his presence in the Scott home.
 Behind him a silent shadow moved along his trail . In long, undulating strides the great cat stalked its prey. Taylor had passed behind the cabins of the Negroes, for several of them were still sitting before their doorsteps strumming on their instruments or gossiping among themselves; but the lion had caught a glimpse of the quarry, and so no longer must follow a scent. He had seen Taylor vault the fence into the turnpike, and without increasing his gait he moved straight toward him. His way led past the Negroes. They had been discussing the strange sounds that had come from the big house.
 All of a sudden the huge head and glittering eyes of Ben protruded from around the cover of the cabin and the half dozen Negroes launched themselves simultaneously for the same small doorway.
 Along the road from Scottsville purred the big Scott car, gearing Mrs. Scott and Virginia from the station the The Oaks. A quarter of a mile below the Negroes' quarters the car came to a stop.
 " What's the matter, Jackson ? " asked Virginia.
 " I don't know, Miss, " replied the chauffeur, getting down form this seat and raising one side of the bonnet. For a moment he fussed about between the engine and the control board, trying first the starter and then the horn.
 " I guess we've blown a fuse, " he announced presently.
 " Have you others, or must we walk the rest of the way ? " inquired Mrs. Scott.
 " Oh, yes, Ma'am, I 've got some right here, " and he raised the cushion from the driver's seat and thrust his hand into the box beneath. For a moment he fumbled about in search of an extra fuse plug.
 " Who's that coming down the road ? " asked Virginia.
 Mrs. Scott and the chauffeur both looked up. They saw a man, running now, directly in the middle of the road and coming in the direction of the machine. An instant later, another figure bounded into sight behind the man. Mechanically the chauffeur, while he watched the approaching man, had clipped the new fuse into place ― the car was ready to run again, but at sight of the lion the chauffeur lost his head completely, uttered a wild yell of dismay, and bolted for the opposite side of the road, vaulted the fence and disappeared.
 Directly in the full glare of the headlights, not a dozen paces from the car, the lion overtook his prey. With a savage roar and a mighty leap he sprang full upon Taylor's back, hurling him to the ground.
 Virginia Scott gasped in dismay. In the man's hand was a revolver, and as he fell he rolled upon his back and, placing the muzzle against the lion's breast, pulled the trigger ; but again the jammed weapon failed to work, which was as well, for it would have but inflamed the rage of the maddened beast without incapacitating him.
 For an instant the lion stood over his fallen enemy. He raise his head, glaring straight into the brilliant lights of the automobile. Fascinated with the horror of it, the two women watched. They saw Taylor struggling futilely now beneath the huge paw rested upon his breast. The man's nerve was gone. He whimpered and screamed like a terrified puppy.
 " God ! " whispered Virginia. " It's Scott ! "
 Her mother but shuddered and drew closer to her.
 Aggravated by the struggles and the noise of his prey, Ben lowered his head. His distended jaws were close to Taylor's face, his yellow eyes glared into the fear-mad orbs of the man, from his deep chest there rumbled a thunderous roar, then his jaws closed like a huge steel trap, and Scott Taylor ceased to be.
 Mrs. Scott gave a short, involuntary scream and buried her face in her hands. Attracted by the sound, the lion raised his dripping jaws and again eyed the glaring light. Beyond them he could see nothing ; but from beyond them had come the sound of a human cry.
 Virginia watched the beast intently. Should she and her mother leave the machine and attempt to escape, or were they safer where they were ? The lion could easily track them should he care to do so after they had left the car. On the other hand, the strange and unusual vehicle might be sufficient safeguard in itself to keep off a nervous jungle beast.
 While she was pondering these questions Ben continued to gaze steadily toward them. Finally he lowered his head to his prey once more, sniffed at it a moment, then seized the body by the shoulder and dragged it a few paces to one side of the road. Here the lion was out of the direct glare of the headlights. Again he looked toward the car. Now he could see it. He cocked his head upon one side and rumbled in his throat. He did not like the looks of this strange thing. What was it ? He would investigate.
 Abandoning Taylor's body, he paced slowly forward toward the car. Mrs. Scott shrank closer to Virginia, too terrified by this time to scream. The girl kept her wits, but still was at a loss as to what move to make or as to whether she could make any that would be better than remaining rigidly quiet under the lion's investigation.
 The beast was beside the car now. Leisurely, he placed a forepaw on the running board and raised himself until his giant head topped the side of the tonneau. Slowly he intruded his wrinkled muzzle until his nose brushed Virginia's skirt.
 Mrs. Scott could bear the strain no longer. With a low moan she fainted. Now there was no escape for Virginia. The girl steeled herself to meet the end bravely.
 The great cat was sniffing at her skirt and growling hideously.



 「ゴードンさま! 」かれは叫んだ。「あれはどこです? あれは骨になりましたか?」
 テイラーはかれの後をつけることができたはずだ。そして奴はそうしようとした。奴は結局のところ、その追跡に成功したことがあったか? ゴードンは自分のコートが床に落ちているのを見つけ、あわてて探した結果、重要な書類が消えてなくなっているという事実があきらかになった。使用人の中から古式口輪積人を選ぶとその手をひいて、ゴードンは急いで階段を下り、芝生の上に出た。黒人地区のほうから聞こえてくる不機嫌そうな唸り声がかれをライオンが捕らえた場所へと案内した。そしてそうだった。ライオンと同様に、テイラーは逃げおおせたのだということを、ゴードンは確かに感じた。


 茂みから自分の身体を押し出すと、テイラーは屋敷の前へ回り込み、黒人達の小屋の間を走り抜けて有料道へ出ると、その道をスコッツヴィルの方角へ向かった。彼 は、ライオンが彼の後を追っているとは知らなかった し、野獣がゴードンを打ちのめし、そしておそらくは、 むさぼり喰うために居座っているだろうと思っていた。 その想像は、背筋が凍る様なものであったが、しかし、 有り難くないことと言う訳ではなかった。それが、ゴー ドンの殺害が果たされたことを意味し、なおかつ、テイ ラーが知る限りでは、唯一野獣がスコット邸に留まって いることの根拠だったからだ。
 彼の後方で、影が、彼の痕跡に沿って音もなく動いて いた。時間をかけて、偉大な猫は波打つような足取りで獲物を追っていた。テイラーは、黒人達の小屋の裏を通 り過ぎた。小屋の前では、まだ何人かの黒人達が楽器を かきならしたり、世間話をしたりしていた。そして、ラ イオンは獲物の姿を一瞬捉えた。間もなくその匂いも追 えるだろう。彼は、テイラーが柵を跳び越えて有料道へ入るのを見ると、その歩調を速めることなく、男の方へ真っ直ぐに進んで行った。彼の進む方向には黒人達が居た。彼等は、屋敷の方から聴こえた異様な物音のこと を、あれこれ言っているところだった。
 不意に、ベンのぎらぎらとした眼の巨大な頭が、小屋 の囲いの外から突き出ると、半ダース程の黒人達は、一斉に一つの狭い戸口へと殺到した。
 スコッツヴィルからの道を、スコットの大型の車がけ たたましく走って来た。スコット夫人とヴァージニア を、オークスの駅から乗せて来たのだ。黒人地区の4分の1マイル程手前で、車は止まってしまった。
 「何事なの? ジャクソン」ヴァージニアが尋ねた。
 「解らないんですが、お嬢様」運転手は返事をする と、座席を降り、ボンネットの片側をはね上げた。少し の間、彼はエンジンと操作盤の間を音をたてていじり、 まずはスターターを、次にクラクションを試してみた。
 「ヒューズが切れたみたいです」間もなく、彼は告 げた。
 「替わりの部品はあるの? それとも、残りは歩かなけ ればならないのかしら」スコット夫人は尋ねた。
 「いえ、大丈夫です、奥様。ここに予備があるはずで すから」彼は、運転席のクッションを持ち上げると、 その下の箱の中に、手を突っ込んだ。しばし、彼は、換 えのヒューズを探して、手探りした。
 「向こうから来るのは誰かしら?」ヴァージニアが尋 ねた。
 スコット夫人と運転手は目を凝らした。道の中央を、今では走りながら、真っ直ぐに自動車の方へ向かってく る男が見えた。直ぐに、もう一つの姿が、その男の後方に跳び出した。機械的な動作で、近づいてくる男を見 ながら、運転手は新しいヒューズを嵌め込んだ――車 は、今や走る準備が整っていたが、ライオンの姿を見た瞬間に、運転手は完全に我を忘れた。彼は、驚愕の叫び をあげると、道の反対側に跳び出し、柵を乗り越えて、 姿を消してしまった。
 ヘッドライトの光の中、車まであと何歩もないところ で、ライオンは、その獲物に襲いかかった。猛々しい咆 吼と力強い跳躍とともに、彼は、テイラーの背中に跳び かかり、地面へ押し倒した。
 ヴァージニア・スコットは、狼狽のあまり喘いだ。男 は、手に拳銃を持っており、倒れる際に仰向けになっ て、銃口をライオンの胸に向け、引き金を引いた。しか し、不調だった得物はここでも機能せず、そのことは、 猛り狂った野獣の力を奪うどころか、かえってその怒り の炎に油を注ぐこととなった。
 ライオンは、しばし、倒れた敵の上で立ち止まった。 彼は頭をもたげ、自動車のライトの明るい光を、真っ直 ぐに睨みつけた。そのあまりの恐ろしさに身をすくませ て、二人の女性は様子を見ていた。今では、胸に置かれ た巨大な前足の下で、テイラーは空しくもがき続けてい た。男の勇気はもはや失われた。彼はすすり泣き、恐れ おののく子犬の様に悲鳴をあげていた。
 じたばたともがき、騒がしい獲物に苛立って、ベンは 頭を下げた。彼の大きく拡げられた顎が、テイラーの顔 に近づいた。その黄色い眼は、恐怖にとらわれた男の眼 球を睨み、胸の奥からは、唸りが轟々と漏れ出してい た。そして、顎は、巨大な鋼鉄の罠の如く閉じられ、ス コット・テイラーは、その生命を終えた。
 スコット夫人は、思わず短い悲鳴をあげ、その手で顔 を覆った。その声を聞きつけ、ライオンは血の滴る顎を 上げ、再び光るライトを見た。ライト越しには、何も見 ることは出来なかったが、その向こうからは、人間の嗚 咽が聞こえていた。
 ヴァージニアは、一心に野獣を見つめていた。車を降 りて逃げるべきか、それとも、そこに留まる方が、より 安全なのだろうか? ライオンは、たやすく彼女達を追跡 することが出来るだろうし、彼女達が車を降りれば、当 然そうするに違いない。一方、異様であり馴染みのない 自動車は、苛立ったジャングルの野獣を退ける充分な護 りになるのではないかと思われた。
 彼女が考えをめぐらせている間、ベンは、彼女達の方 をずっと凝視し続けていた。やがて、彼は獲物の方へも う一度頭を下げると、少しの間鼻先でつつき回した後、 肩のところを咬んで、道端へ何歩か引きずっていった。 ライオンはヘッドライトの光の輪から外れた。彼はもう 一度車の方へ視線を向けた。今度は、彼はそれを見るこ とが出来た。彼は、頭を片側へもたげると、喉の奥をゴ ロゴロと鳴らせた。彼は、その異様な代物の様子を好ま しく思わなかった。あれは一体何だ? 彼は探ることにし た。
 テイラーの身体から離れ、彼はゆっくりと車の方へ向 けて歩みを進めた。スコット夫人は、ヴァージニアの方 へよりいっそう身を縮めた。今度は、恐ろしさのあま り、悲鳴をあげることすらかなわない。少女はまだ考え 続けてはいたが、何かとるべき行動があるとは、ライオ ンがうろつく間、かたく声をひそめて留まるよりもまし なことが何か出来るとは、とても思えなかった。
 ライオンは、今や車のすぐそばにまで迫っていた。悠 然とした動作で、彼は前足をステップにかけ、身体をお こして、後部座席の脇よりも上に巨大な頭を上げた。ゆ っくりと、彼はそのしわのよった鼻面を、ヴァージニア のスカートに触れる程押し込んだ。
 スコット夫人は、もはや緊張に耐えることは出来なか った。小さく呻きをもらして、彼女は意識を失った。こ れで、ヴァージニアは逃げることは出来なくなった。少 女は、勇気をもってその最期を迎えようと、身を堅くし た。
 偉大な猫は、彼女のスカートの匂いをかぎ、恐ろしげ な声で唸り続けた。


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